

Why do I get blood in my mouth when using IQoro?

Finding or tasting blood in your mouth when using IQoro is probably down to one of the following three causes:

  1. The gastric acid that comes up during a hiatus hernia may have created small ulcers in the mucous membrane of the oesophagus that then began to bleed. And when using the IQoro, increased pressure is created. This may carry this blood up to your mouth instead of down into your stomach. The blood is harmless and the wounds will heal when the hiatus hernia is treated and the amount of gastric acid that comes up into the oesophagus is reduced.
  2. An ongoing infection of the mouth or teeth can lead to a weakened and bleeding mucous membrane. If you haven’t been to the dentist for a while, it might be time for a visit.
  3. If you take medication that causes mucous membranes to weaken as a side effect, this may make the mucous membranes of your mouth and throat more sensitive to the pressure changes that training with IQoro involves.

If you feel unsure about why you are experiencing bleeding in your mouth, you can always contact our customer support, or learn more about IQoro secondary and side effects.

My partner snores, and I have swallowing difficulties, can we use the same IQoro?

No. IQoro is approved by the authorities as a CE marked, Class 1 Medical Device for use by a single person.

Can the treatment with IQoro be harmful?

If you are completely healthy and have not been diagnosed with any other disorders, treatment using IQoro is harmless.

Studies of IQoro show no side effects and we are required to report if any serious abnormalities should occur in any of our customers.

However, sometimes temporary secondary effects of training with IQoro can occur. For example, sore muscles or temporarily worsening or changing symptoms. This is a natural side effect that occurs when you start strengthening the muscles in the swallowing process. These side effects will pass if you just keep training according to our training instructions.

Special cases where IQoro should be avoided

For people with achalasia cardiae, trigeminal neuralgia or paraeosophageal hernia, it might be that the treatment should be avoided completley. Contact us for more information.

If you are suffering from tinnitus or peripheral facial paralysis, you should start the treatment with causion – softer than what would normally be recommended.

That means starting off with shorter training sessions and really focusing on not pulling IQoro too hard.

When is it safe to alter my diet?

The primary rule is that it is your doctor or clinician that must decide if you can change your medication, nutrition or hydration methods, diet, or other.

In the case of swallowing, one of the greatest risks is that of aspiration. That is to say that food or drink “goes down the wrong way” and this can lead to lung infections and pneumonia. This is the reason that healthcare professionals sometimes prescribe feeding by tube through the nose, or directly into the stomach – to avoid this so-called unsafe swallow. In other cases, they prescribe drink thickeners, or modified solid foods that they know are easier for you to swallow safely.

Because of the risks of aspiration, it is important that you consult with your Speech and Language Therapist or doctor before you change from what you have been previously advised to do – even when you are experiencing good improvement from your IQoro treatment.

Will I need to continue with maintenance training, once I have cured my symptoms?

Maybe. It depends on whether you are using IQoro to cure problems caused by neurological injury – like stroke, which has caused dysphagia or facial paralysis, or whether you are training because of a muscular weakness such as Hiatus hernia, snoring or apnoea.

If it is muscular weakness, then maintenance training will be required. Once you have achieved your desired result you should continue to train with a reduced number of sessions per day. You’ll need to find the right level for yourself.

I have MS / Parkinson’s / ALS, can I use IQoro?

Yes. IQoro cannot of course cure MS, Parkinson’s, ALS, or other progressive degenerative diseases. However, early intervention with IQoro training can contribute to retaining and maintaining as much as possible of the normal functions of the face, oral cavity, throat and down to the stomach.

IQoro trains and activates the body’s internal musculature, and has a positive effect on retaining the ability to be able to eat via the mouth, chew, use facial expressions, and produce speech sounds, for a longer time. Such treatment is therefore a good complement to traditional rehabilitation with physiotherapy, where one trains, for example, arms and legs.

Can I be too old to exercise with IQoro?

No. We have many people over the age of 85 that are training successfully: either alone, or with the help of an assistant. Some of these IQoro users are suffering from dementia too. Because the training time is short – totally 1½ minutes (30 seconds, three times per day) – even the weak and elderly can complete their exercises.

As an example, the county council in Hudiksvall in Sweden have implemented IQoro at a residential home for the elderly with the aim of strengthening their residents’ swallowing capacities. Swallowing difficulties become more prevalent with age and its related sicknesses.

Will I cure my symptoms more quickly if I train more often, and for a longer time?

No, you will most likely not get a better effect from exercising more often than recommended. Instead, your muscles may become overworked and you may experience soreness.

The recommended training time of 3 x 10 seconds is based on scientific research and clinical experience where it has been concluded that precisely that amount of training per day gives the best effect for the muscles.

How can IQoro be effective against so many different problems at the same time?

IQoro is used by people that had problems in being able to breathe, eat, smile or talk. The reason that IQoro is effective in treating so many problem areas at the same time, is because all these crucial functions use the same muscles and nerve pathways; albeit in different ways.

IQoro is a neuromuscular training device and regime that activates the body’s own pre-programmed systems: from the mouth, brain, and down to the stomach – a natural sequence of events through nerve pathways and muscles. This explains the positive effects that IQoro has on so many different difficulties.

Is IQoro listed on the NHS?

Yes, IQoro is listed by NHS as a medical device for treating acid reflux and dysphagia since 1st May 2022.

What is the NHS?

The NHS – National Heath Service – is the government funded medical and health care services in the UK.

Getting listed by the NHS means the UK Government has approved IQoro as one way to treat acid reflux and dysphagia. It also means that IQoro can be prescribed by GP’s for free, or to a low cost for the patient.

I have a CPAP, can I use IQoro instead?

Maybe. We recommend that you start training with IQoro during the day according to the instruction manual, and continue to use your CPAP at night in parallel until you have strengthened your musculature. If you want to stop using a CPAP or snoring screen that you have been prescribed, you should always consult your doctor on whether you can completely replace these with IQoro training instead. You could also ask for a new sleep investigation that will help you track your progress.

Can IQoro help with snoring and sleep apnea?

Yes. A common cause of snoring and apnoea is relaxed muscle ability in the tongue, soft palate and upper airways. Studies show that IQoro strengthens and increases muscle tone in these organs. This explains why IQoro can reduce the problems of snoring, and prevent the upper pathways collapsing and causing breathing interruptions.

You can begin training immediately with IQoro but, if you are suffering from night-time breathing suspension, it is a good idea to contact your GP for a referral to a specialist clinic for a sleep investigation.