The CPAP mask made Inga-Lisa panic

Inga-Lisa from Hudiksvall in northern Sweden, suffered from snoring with sleep apnea for many years.
– I would wake up several times each night, gasping for air. It was very distressing.
A sleep study at a sleep clinic revealed that she had sleep apnea, which means breathing pauses during sleep, and she was therefore recommended a CPAP machine.
“I was exhausted, desperate, and felt that the situation was untenable.”
But when Inga-Lisa received the CPAP and tried to sleep with it, she experienced feelings of panic from having the CPAP mask over her mouth while she slept.
– The CPAP mask didn’t work for me at all. I cried every morning when I got to work. I was exhausted, desperate, and felt the situation was unbearable.
What is CPAP?
A CPAP is a small machine with an accompanying face mask that you wear over your mouth while you sleep. It creates air pressure in the airways, which effectively “inflates” the airways, making it easier for air to pass into the lungs.
Received a recommendation to see Mary Hägg
Her employer then suggested that she visit Mary Hägg, who at the time was in charge of the Speech and Swallowing Center at Hudiksvall Hospital. Mary, a medical doctor, dentist, and later a researcher, was on vacation but still did everything she could to help Inga-Lisa.
– Mary came to the hospital one evening that summer, says Inga-Lisa.
“Had to undergo a series of tests”
Inga-Lisa underwent a variety of tests and was then given an IQoro to train with according to Mary Hägg’s treatment method, which involves three training sessions of 30 seconds each per day.
Noticeable improvement after just one month
– It probably took only a month – or even less – before I noticed a significant improvement. I no longer woke up gasping for air. It was an enormous relief, and I felt the daily fatigue gradually subside over time.
Since then, Inga-Lisa has not returned to the sleep clinic for any further tests.
– No, there’s been no need for it, as I’ve experienced a permanent improvement. I no longer have any issues with snoring or sleep apnea.
“I want to warmly recommend IQoro to everyone.”
The neuromuscular training device IQoro still sits in Inga-Lisa’s living room, and she still occasionally uses it.
– But it’s mostly as a preventive measure. I really want to warmly recommend IQoro to anyone struggling with snoring or sleep apnea. For me, IQoro has made a huge difference and has greatly improved my sleep and quality of life.
Inga-Lisa R, Hudiksvall, Sweden
“I used it to help with sleep apnoea, which was causing heart palpitations, and it seems to have really helped. I rarely get either now. Easy to use, it’s now part of my daily routine.”
Gary B, verified customer
IQoro has meant so much to me; I’m glad I had the courage to try it
Inger Törnell, a retired psychologist from Stockholm, suffered from severe sleep apnea and snoring. But then she read about IQoro in an ad and decided to give it a try. This is her story.
The CPAP mask did help, but it was awful to sleep with. Now, I’m no longer woken up by a noisy machine with hoses that come loose. Read more