How we work with the global goals for a sustainable future
Agenda 2030 consists of 17 global goals, which were adopted by the UN’s membership in 2015. The aim of the goals is to create a sustainable future. You can read more about how MYoroface AB is contributing to the global goals in our work with IQoro here.
Sustainability has been a keyword since we founded MYoroface. But how do we actually work sustainably? Well, we continually look at what we do from different perspectives, and work towards the UN’s Agenda 2030.
We challenge ourselves to do better. The goals we have chosen to work with emphasise our commitment to what we want to contribute to sustainability.
The goals we have chosen to work with
Ylvali Gerling, CEO, MYoroface AB
emphasise our commitment to what we
want to contribute to sustainability.
Our five selected global goals
Agenda 2030 consists of 17 global goals that were adopted by the UN’s membership in 2015. The aim of the goals is to create a sustainable future, financially, socially and environmentally.
The 17 global goals include Good health and well-being, Gender equality, Clean water and sanitation, Decent work and economic growth, and Responsible consumption and production. At MYoroface AB we have chosen to focus on these five goals.
Below, you can read more about how we work with each of these goals.
Good health and well-being
MYoroface works for improved global well-being and offers safe, good value and accessible treatment.
Our product, IQoro, is a neuromuscular training device that treats the causes of a large number of symptoms. The product reduces the suffering and improves the quality of life of the user, without any known side effects.
Because IQoro is based on self-treatment, a significant part of the population have access to the product. We are, therefore, also helping to reduce the queues to see the doctor.
Gender equality
MYoroface values everyone and their individual skills equally. The company is based on innovation, entrepreneurism and gender neutral leadership. We see diversity as a necessary part of achieving our goals and ensure high-quality decisions, innovations and development.
Our company has equality at board level and amongst the workforce. Our responsibility is far-reaching and we also work to influence our partners.
Clean water and sanitation
Because we originated in northern Sweden, clean water is an obvious one to us. And since our product contributes to the reduction in the production, and use of, medicines, we help to reduce emissions of hazardous chemicals. And water can remain clean in the future.
We are conscious of how our production affects the environment and mankind, and we work actively with our local partners to create efficient production systems, and at the same time reduce our emissions from transports.
Decent work and economic growth
A sustainable business where innovation, long-term growth and new technology are the key principles that form the basis of what we do at MYoroface.
We prioritise local suppliers and partners and thereby contribute to regional growth. Our production is in Sweden and we care about having good working conditions, both internally and externally at our suppliers. We are careful to follow the legislation and regulations.
Responsible consumption and production
MYoroface works to make sure that our products are of high quality. We do our utmost to keep control of the whole raw materials chain and to make it traceable and climate smart.
MYoroface sets high standards to make sure that our own production is as environmentally-friendly as possible. All to reduce our footprint.
We use locally sourced cardboard and adapted packaging that ensures we do not deliver unnecessary air to the customer.
Our customers are encouraged to recycle end-of-life products. We also participate in projects for the reduction of residues and actively research different ways to use our waste.