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Studies on the treatment of a hiatal hernia with IQoro

Three of the seventeen studies conducted on the effect of IQoro, focus on the treatment of a hiatal hernia. Here we take a closer look at these studies.

The studies give clear results

How can you know that it is possible to train away acid refluxheartburn and other symptoms of a hiatal hernia? Perhaps the most important answer is that scientific studies give clear results. 

No fewer than 17 scientific studies have been made of the effect of training with IQoro. Although IQoro is always used in the same way, the starting point differs between the studies and a number of different symptoms have been investigated.

To immerse yourself in the studies, the following link contains all published scientific articles on training with IQoro.

Three studies focusing on hiatal hernia

Three studies examined common symptoms of a hiatal hernia in particular and we will focus on what they have discovered.

1. IQoro improves the symptoms of a hiatal hernia

The study Effect of IQoro training in Hiatus hernia patients with misdirected swallowing and oesophoeal retention symptoms shows that daily exercise with IQoro has a significant* improving effect on a number of different symptoms in people with a hiatal hernia.

Symptoms examined were mis-swallowing, hoarseness, coughing, obstructive sensation in the chest and lump sensation in the throat

All participants improved in all symptoms and the majority of symptoms disappeared completely (54–73 percent depending on symptoms).

It was also found that the diaphragm is activated during training with IQoro, which makes it stronger and thus able to control the position of the stomach and the leakage of stomach acid.   

In short, the study showed that IQoro provides an improvement for those who have a hiatal hernia with problematic symptoms.

Read more: What does statistical significance and significant improvement mean?

How the study was conducted

A total of 28 patients, half men and half women, between 22-85 years old who had problems for at least a year before the start of the study trained with IQoro 90 seconds a day for 6-8 months. Patients’ values were measured before and after the treatment period.

2. Diagnosed hiatal hernia or not – it doesn’t matter

The study Oesophageal dysphagia and reflux symptoms before and after oral IQoro training investigated whether people with dysphagia (oesophageal dysphagia) and reflux symptoms improved by training with IQoro.

Patients were divided into two groups. One group of people who had a hiatal hernia that had been found by examination and another group had symptoms of a hiatal hernia, but where it could not be ascertained by examination.

All participants had swallowing difficulties and 86 percent had symptoms of reflux at the start of the study.

The results showed that there was no difference in results between those who had a diagnosed hiatal hernia and those who only had symptoms, but where a hiatal hernia could not be found during examination (it is common that a hiatal hernia cannot be seen during an examination).

The participants got equally good results regardless of which group they belonged to. All participants experienced significant improvement after training with IQoro.

The results show that training with IQoro gives as good a result for people with a confirmed hiatal hernia, as for people with symptoms alone.

How the study was conducted

A total of 43 patients, 22 men and 21 women, between 19-85 years of age were divided into two groups depending on whether they had a confirmed hiatal hernia or only symptoms of a hiatal hernia. Patient values were measured before the treatment period and then the patients trained with IQoro 90 seconds a day for 6 months before follow-up.

Before the study, it was investigated whether there were any neurological explanations for the patients’ symptoms. It was also established whether there were any statistically significant differences in the severity of the symptoms the patients had before the examination.

Do you have a hiatal hernia?

Simple 3 minute self-test
— immediate results.

3. Being overweight makes no difference to effective treatment

The study Oral neuromuscular training relieves hernia-related dysphagia and GERD symptoms as effectively in obese as in non-obese patients showed that obese people can expect as good results as non-obese people when the following common symptoms of a hiatal hernia were followed up:

  1. reflux
  2. heartburn
  3. chest pain
  4. difficulty in swallowing
  5. feeling of a lump in your throat
  6. cough
  7. hoarseness
  8. mis-swallowing

Participants were divided into three groups depending on BMI (weight in relation to height). All groups improved significantly in all symptoms.

There was no difference between how much they improved. In addition, the severely obese, where heartburn, coughing and dysphagia were more common, improved more than those of normal weight.

How the study was conducted

A total of 86 patients, 40 men and 46 women, were divided into three groups depending on BMI: Normal weight; moderately overweight; severely overweight. Patient values were measured before the treatment period and then the patients trained with IQoro 90 seconds a day for 6 months before follow-up.

The median age ranged from 52 to 72 between the different groups. All participants had had symptoms of reflux for a long period (at least one year) and were on PPI medication. Participants were examined prior to the study to rule out underlying diseases.

Summary: What do the studies say?

The results in all three studies are uniform. Training with IQoro reduces hiatal hernia symptoms in all participants. Many people become completely symptom free.

There is also no statistically significant difference between different groups that have been investigated, the results are uniform even there.

In conclusion, the results of the studies show that IQoro is a treatment for reflux, heartburn and acid regurgitation that has scientifically proven efficacy.