International Reflux Day

International Reflux Day 2023

International reflux day of 2023

On the 9th of November 2023, we were broadcasting live with a range of international guests and experts.

Reflux and different treatment options

Among others, Pete Williams, a practitioner and founder of Functional Medicine Associates, joined us to talk about acid reflux from a functional medicine perspective. We also discussed reflux problems in children and how acid reflux can affect your voice.

Throughout the day, we also explored the advantages and disadvantages of different treatment methods, including PPI medications.

Times & Speakers

Guest speakers

  • 12:30 (CET) 11:30 (GMT) – Welcome!
    Duration time: 15 min
  • 12:45 (CET) 11:45 (GMT) – Mary Hägg
    Reflux, research and treatments.
    Duration time: 10 min
  • 13:00 (CET) 12:00 (GMT) – Pete Williams & Peter Martin
    Reflux from a functional medicine perspective.
    Duration time: 45 min
  • 14:00 (CET) 13:00 (GMT) – Jonathan Hedström
    A journey towards a symptom-free life.
    Duration time: 10 min
  • 14:15 (CET) 13:15 (GMT) – All about reflux
    Ask your questions to our expert.
    Duration time: 20 min
  • 14:45 (CET) 13:45 (GMT) – Natalie Morris
    Children and reflux.
    Duration time: 20 min
  • 15.30 (CET) 14.30 (GMT) – Debbie Grayson
    Safe removal of PPI medications.
    Duration time: 20 min
  • 15.50 (CET) 14.50 (GMT) – Summary
    Duration time: 15 min

Instagram Live

  • 18.30 (CET) 17.30 (GMT) – Raoul Dusterhus
    Voice and reflux.
    Duration time: 20 min

Round up!

  • 19.00 (CET) 18.00 (GMT) – All about Reflux
    Ask your questions to our expert.
    Duration time: 20 min
  • 19.30 (CET) 18.30 (GMT) – Summary
    Presenting the winner of the Instagram Competition.
    Duration time: 10 min

An International Event

Last year, most of our event was held in English, to make sure as many people as possible around the world could join us. As you can see in the broadcast, two of our guest speakers are speaking Swedish. Those interviews are texted in English. The rest of the event is in English.

We invited guest speakers from the UK and Germany, as well as several Swedish guests, and are really happy with the discussions and input that this brought to the table. You can read more about each speaker below.

Meet the guest speakers

Pete Williams & Peter Martin | Reflux from a functional medicine perspective

🎤 Pete Williams, Founder of Functional Medicine Associates UK
🎤 Peter Martin, Doctor and founder of Funmed Sweden.
📣 In English

🔥 Pete Williams and Peter Martin participate together for the first time in a discussion on how to treat reflux from a functional medicine perspective. How can we tackle the chronic diseases that burden healthcare today? What is functional medicine, and what are its benefits for individuals and society?

 By utilizing all the tools available within functional medicine, we can offer hope and solutions to enhance people’s health and quality of life.

Peter Martin, Funmed

Debbie Grayson | Safe removal of PPI medications

🎤 Debbie Grayson, UK, Registered pharmacist and nutritional therapist, interviewed by co-host Angie Carter.
📣 In English

🔥 Debbie Grayson has years of experience supporting patients who have< been taking PPIs long term for reflux and can be safely managed by neuromuscular training and diet and lifestyle modifications. Debbie will answer our questions about downsides and side effects of long-term PPI use. How it affects the body, and what there is to be done to reduce one’s intake of acid-suppressing medications? Debbie gives us her best tips!

Better patient education around reflux can minimise the number of patients taking long term PPIs unnecessarily.

Debbie Grayson

Jörgen Westerlund | All about Reflux

🎤 Jörgen Westerlund, Customer support and IQoro coach
📣 In English

🔥 Do you have questions about heartburn, acid reflux, a dry cough or other reflux-related problems? Take the opportunity to ask any questions you may have during our livestream. Jörgen shares the most common questions he receives daily at IQoro customer support and offers a lot of helpful answers.

🢃 This is the afternoon session. Watch the evening Q&A below.

Natalie Morris | Children and reflux

🎤 Natalie Morris, UK, Speech Therapist, CEO and Founder of The Feeding Trust, interviewed by co-host Angie Carter
📣 In English

🔥 Natalie has worked for several years with children with various communication and swallowing difficulties. In this exclusive interview she talks about her experience with children suffering from reflux based diseases. What symptoms are common, and how do the problems and treatment differ from adults with reflux?

Jonathan Hedström |  A journey towards a symptom-free life

🎤 Jonathan Hedström, Lecturer, Youth Leader and former NHL player
📣 In Swedish, texted in English

🔥 In addition to a successful ice-hockey career in the NHL, Jonathan Hedström also has extensive experience of mental illness and reflux problems. Today, he works as a lecturer and travels around Sweden sharing his experiences. At the International Reflux Day, he shares his journey towards a symptom-free and more prosperous life.

Mary Hägg | Reflux, research and treatments

🎤 Mary Hägg, the researcher and innovator behind IQoro
📣 In Swedish, texted in English

🔥 Listen to the researcher behind IQoro. What prompted her to start researching and how did that lead to an entirely new product and treatment method several years later? And why is reflux a problem that needs to be treated – what are the consequences of not getting the right help?

Round Up!

🎤 Team IQoro

🔥 Join us for a summary of the International Reflux Day and take the opportunity to ask your questions about reflux directly to our expert. During this broadcast the winner of the Instagram competition will also be announced.

Jörgen & Ana | All about Reflux

🎤 Jörgen Westerlund & Ana de Pablos, Customer support and IQoro coaches

🔥 Do you have questions about heartburn, acid reflux, a dry cough or other reflux-related problems? Take the opportunity to ask any questions you may have during our livestream. Jörgen shares the most common questions he receives daily at IQoro customer support and offers a lot of helpful answers.

🢁 This is the evening session. Watch the afternoon Q&A above.

Instagram Live

Raoul Dusterhus | Voice and reflux

🕚 Thursday, Nov 9 – 18:30 -18:50 (Central European Time)
🕚 Thursday, Nov 9 – 17:30 -17:50 (British time)

🎤 Raoul Dusterhus, Speech and Language Pathologist

🔥 With a background in music and as an active opera singer in Germany, Raoul has a keen interest in the voice as a tool. He is now writing his Bachelor’s thesis on how reflux affects the voice. Whether you are a singer, a frequent speaker or just like to talk, your voice is an important tool in everyday life, which we explore in this conversation with Raoul.

The International Reflux Day is the perfect opportunity for patients with reflux and swallowing disorders to get information on the current evidence in swallowing and voice therapy that includes as well the use of the IQoro device. Do not miss the chance to be part of the three columns of evidence (experts, patients, literature) on this one special day!“

Raoul Dusterhus

Meet the Live Team




Jörgen Westerlund


Ana de Pablos



Learn more about IQoro