Get Rid of Your Snoring for Good – Simple Daytime Treatment Method
With a simple 30-second daily exercise routine, you can strengthen the muscles in your upper airways, leading to reduced snoring. You get your money back if it doesn’t help.
IQoro is a medtech innovation that trains muscles you previously couldn’t reach through nerves in the mouth. There are no risks – free from interventions or surgery.
Unlike other aids, IQoro addresses the root cause of your snoring.
A Simple Routine to Stop Your Snoring
With IQoro, you strengthen the weakened muscles that cause your snoring.
In just 30 seconds, you stimulate nerves in your mouth that activate 148 muscles with high intensity.
When you do this regularly, the muscles strengthen, and your snoring decreases, eventually disappearing completely.
You can start right away on your own, and we offer a money-back guarantee if your snoring doesn’t reduce.
Stop the Vibrations in the Soft Palate
The sounds that occur when snoring are caused by the muscles in the soft palate relaxing too much.
When we breathe, the relaxed muscles vibrate with the airflow. And it’s the sound of these vibrating muscles that we call snoring.
IQoro strengthens the muscles, reducing the snoring sound until it disappears completely.
Serious Health Problems Caused by Snoring
Snoring causes vibration damage to both the nerves and soft tissues in the mouth, palate, and throat
According to a study conducted by researchers at Umeå University in Sweden, the vibration damage from snoring can eventually lead to the muscles in the throat becoming so weakened that they collapse during sleep. This results in breathing interruptions, known as sleep apnea.*
The body cannot heal the nerve damage as long as snoring continues night after night. Therefore, it is important to address your snoring before it leads to more serious health problems.
*Axon and Schwann Cell Degeneration in Nerves of Upper Airway Relates to Pharyngeal Dysfunction in Snorers and Patients With Sleep Apnea. Shah F, Berggren D, Levring Jäghagen E, Holmlund T, Forsgren S, Franklin K, Stål P.
What Happens in Your Body When You Train
Training with IQoro triggers pre-programmed processes in the body, but with high intensity through a simple exercise that anyone can manage.
Watch the fascinating video that explains what happens in the body.
Other Aids Do Not Address the Root Cause
When muscles in the upper airways are weakened, both snoring and sleep apnea occur. Therefore, the solution is to strengthen the muscles to open the airways.
Various aids you use at night can certainly reduce the symptoms, but they won’t do anything about the actual cause.
Always with a Results Guarantee
To show that it’s worth giving IQoro a chance to help you, the product comes with a unique results guarantee.
If you follow the instructions but still don’t snore less within 6 months, you get your money back.
We can offer a results guarantee because studies, clinical experience, and customer reviews all agree – IQoro works!
Call Us If You Have Questions
We always offer free customer support both before and after purchase.
This means you can call or email us if you’re wondering if IQoro can help you or if you have questions after you’ve started the treatment.
We are experts on the issues that IQoro treats.
>>> Contact Us Here
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IQoro is a Swedish invention, manufactured in Nyköping. Our customer support answers questions before and after purchase by email or phone.
01229 444 823 (UK) | Email us
A Completely Swedish Innovation
Associate Professor Mary Hägg from Hudiksvall, Sweden, is the researcher behind IQoro.
Here, she tells the story behind the innovation herself – from idea to finished product.