“Now I can eat in the company of others without worrying”

Ulla had difficulties swallowing food. This meant she avoided situations where she had to eat with other people. After she started treating her dysphagia with IQoro, life went back to normal and she can now eat with her friends again.
Now I can sit in the company of others and eat without worrying.
“My quality of life has improved a lot thanks to the training with IQoro. Now I can sit in the company of others and eat without worrying about food becoming stuck in my throat, feeling a blockage, that it can’t be dislodged. And that perhaps I will have to leave the table.”
IQoro is easy to carry with you.
“IQoro is easy to carry with you in your pocket or your bag. The advantage with the treatment is that I can train wherever I find myself at the time. And takes only a short while to carry out. It’s important for me as well that the exercising has not had any negative side effects.”
Ulla Harrysson, Edsbyn, Sweden
“5 months in and seeing some major improvements. I was off the PPIs very quickly and now almost off over the counter antacids . I had experienced terrible indigestion and heartburn for at least 10 years before I tried IQoro. As a nurse in England I see so many patients with complications from PPIs, I just wish there was more awareness of IQoro. Thank you!”
Diane T, verified customer.
My partner thought I was a hypochondriac
Magnus has always been a bii of a hypochondriac, so when food started to get stuck in his throat, his thoughts turned to cancer. He hardly thought that the solution would be a little plastic training device.
I thought that rocket salad and Parma ham would be the death of me. Read Magnus’ story