Increased demand for solution to common public diseases
More and more people discover IQoro.
Not only patients but also doctors, nurses, and specialists.
“Curiosity is great, last autumn we held a training session for logopedics and dieticians in Norway. Something we continue to the effects off,” says Ylvali Gerling, CEO at MYoroface.
Training with IQoro treats the root cause of problems such as difficulty swallowing after stroke or problems caused by a hiatus hernia, snoring and sleep apnea. The exercise strengthens muscles that can not be achieved otherwise. IQoro activates muscles from face, mouth, throat, and esophagus down to diaphragm and stomach. All that is acquired is 90 seconds of exercise per day for 3 to 6 months. Depending on the cause of the symptoms, a longer training period may be required. If the cause of the symptoms is associated with attenuated muscles, maintenance training will be required as soon as you have reached a symptom-free daily life.
“Too many suffer unnecessarily and engage in costly and ineffective treatment methods. We are pleased that more and more people discover the benefits of our simple method and that healthcare professionals and specialists have begun to notice how effective the method is,” says Ylvali Gerling.
This is noticeable not only by the national and international demand for the product but also on the interest in the seminars MYoroface holds. Last autumn, Doctor of Medicine Mary Hägg and Linn Hägg, from MYoroface, held a seminar for logopedics, and dieticians in Asker, with participants from all over Norway. On-site, the participants learned about the research behind IQoro, how they can investigate and follow up patients treated with the method and how they get the best results with the training.
“It was crowded and interesting days. Also, it’s great seeing that many who participated in the seminar now use IQoro daily in their professional practice and that new orders from several of the participants are coming in”, says Linn Hägg, Marketing and Sales Manager at MYoroface.
IQoro is currently being implemented at various hospitals in the UK to evaluate that the method works equally well in the UK healthcare system, as in Sweden. This is the final step in the process of final approval of the UK equivalent of Swedens “Socialstyrelsen”, NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence). This would mean that those affected by stroke could get IQoro as treatment through the UK healthcare. With 64 million inhabitants and 1.2 million stroke survivors, many of whom need treatment for dysphagia – ie eating and swallowing difficulties – the UK is a big potential market.
“In the UK, dysphagia, sleep apnea and hiatus hernia are well-known problems among the population. There, as in Sweden and many other countries, effective treatment methods have been lacking. Now there’s finally a solution,” says Terry W. Morris, business developer at MYoroface, who works directly against the UK market.
Read more about how to train with IQoro.