Scientific articles
Published articles relating to research around IQoro, and the results of therapy based on its use. To read an article, search in one of the following databases, using the article title:
- Pubmed
- Google Scholar
Some articles are published with ‘open access´and maybe spread freely. Articles which are not «open access» are available at cost when downloaded. Most healthcare professionals will have access to these journals, for example via their hospital library.
17. A Scientific Comparison of Three Tests for Swallowing Dysfunction That Are Not Reliant on Access to VF or FEES Facilities
17. Hägg M., Tibbling L. A Scientific Comparison of Three Tests for Swallowing Dysfunction That Are Not Reliant on Access to VF or FEES Facilities. BIO MEDICAL Journal of Scientific & Technical Research. 2019
16. Effects of oral neuromuscular training on swallowing dysfunction among older people in intermediate care – a cluster randomised, controlled trial
16. (Part of the SOFIA project) Hägglund P., Hägg M., Wester P., Levring Jäghagen E. Effects of oral neuromuscular training on swallowing dysfunction among older people in intermediate care – a cluster randomised, controlled trial. Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Geriatrics Society. 2019 Jul 1
14. Older people with swallowing dysfunction and poor oral health are at greater risk of early death
14. (Part of the SOFIA project) Hägglund P., Koistinen S., Olai L., Ståhlnacke K., Wester P., Levring Jäghagen E. Older people with swallowing dysfunction and poor oral health are at greater risk of early death. Acta Oto-Laryngologica. 2019
13. Swallowing dysfunction as risk factor for undernutrition in older people admitted to Swedish short-term care: a cross-sectional study
13. (Part of the SOFIA project) Hägglund P., Fält A., Hägg M., Wester P., Levring Jäghagen E. Swallowing dysfunction as risk factor for undernutrition in older people admitted to Swedish short-term care: a cross-sectional study. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2018 Apr 16.
12. Study protocol for the SOFIA project: Swallowing function, Oral health, and Food Intake in old Age: a descriptive study with a cluster randomized trial
12. Hägglund P., Olai L., Ståhlnacke K., Persenius M., Hägg M., Andersson M., Koistinen S., Carlsson E., Study protocol for the SOFIA project: Swallowing function, Oral health, and Food Intake in old Age: a descriptive study with a cluster randomized trial. BMC Geriatrics 2017, 17:78.
11. Effect of IQoro® training on impaired postural control and oropharyngeal motor function in patients with dysphagia after stroke
11. Hägg M., Tibbling L. Effect of IQoro® training on impaired postural control and oropharyngeal motor function in patients with dysphagia after stroke. Acta Otolaryngol 2016; 136 (7):742-748.
10. Esophageal dysphagia and reflux symptoms before and after oral IQoro® training
10. Hägg M, Tibbling L, Franzén T. Esophageal dysphagia and reflux symptoms before and after oral IQoro® training. World J Gastroenterol 2015; 21(24): 7558-7562
9. Effect of IQoro® training in hiatal hernia patients with misdirected swallowing and esophageal retention symptoms
9. Hägg M, Tibbling L, Franzén T. Effect of IQoro® training in hiatal hernia patients with misdirected swallowing and esophageal retention symptoms. Acta Otolaryngol. 2015 Jul;135(7):635-9.
8. Effect of oral IQoro® and palatal plate training in post-stroke, four-quadrant facial dysfunction and dysphagia: A comparison study
8. Hägg M., Tibbling L. Effect of oral IQoro® and palatal plate training in post-stroke, four-quadrant facial dysfunction and dysphagia: A comparison study. Acta Otolaryngol. 2015 Sep;135(9):962-8.
7. Effects on facial dysfunction and swallowing capacity of intraoral stimulation early and late after stroke
7. Hägg MK., Tibbling LI. Effects on facial dysfunction and swallowing capacity of intraoral stimulation early and late after stroke. NeuroRehabilitation. 2015;36 (1):101-6.
6. Four-quadrant Facial Function in Dysphagic Patients after Stroke and Healthy Controls
6. Hägg M.,Tibbling L. Four-quadrant Facial Function in Dysphagic Patients after Stroke and Healthy Controls. Neurology Research International Volume 2014, Article ID 672685, 5 pages.
4. Influence of lip force on swallowing capacity in stroke patients and in healthy subjects
4. (Included in thesis, Paper III) Hägg M, Anniko M. Influence of lip force on swallowing capacity in stroke patients and in healthy subjects. ActaOto-Laryngologica 130: pp1204-8, 2010.
3. Lip muscle training in stroke patients with dysphagia
3. (Included in thesis, Paper IV) Hägg M, Anniko M. Lip muscle training in stroke patients with dysphagia. ActaOto-Laryngologica, 128 (9): pp1027-1033, 2008.
2. Reliable Lip force measurement in healthy controls and in patients with stroke: A methodological study
2. (Included in thesis, Paper II) Hägg M, Olgarsson M. Anniko M. Reliable Lip force measurement in healthy controls and in patients with stroke: A methodological study. Dysphagia 2: pp291-296, 2008.
1. Effects of Motor and Sensory Stimulation in Stroke Patients with Long-lasting Dysphagia
1. (Included in thesis, Paper I) Hägg M. Larsson B. Effects of Motor and Sensory Stimulation in Stroke Patients with Long-lasting Dysphagia. Dysphagia 19:219-230, 2004.
Thesis: Sensory motor brain plasticity in stroke patients with dysphagia. A methodological study on investigation and treatment
Hägg M. Sensory motor brain plasticity in stroke patients with dysphagia. A methodological study on investigation and treatment. Faculty of Medicine, Uppsala University, 2007. Thesis
- Hägg M. Beneficial Effects of Motor and Sensory Stimulation in Stroke Patients with Dysphagia. Practices in Orofacial Therapy, ISBN 951-29-1930-3, 2001.
- Hägg M. My Role as a Dentist in the Team at the Speech & Swallowing Centre, Gävleborg County Council. Practices in Orofacial Therapy, ISBN 951-29-1930-3, 2001.
- Hägg M. Normal Eating Development. Practices in Orofacial Therapy, ISBN 951-29-1930-3, 2001.
- Hägg M. Orofacial regulation therapy in combination with Bensow palatal plate for patients with cerebral palsy. Practices in Orofacial Therapy, ISBN 951-29-1930-3, 2001.
- Carlsson E, Hägg M. Foods and Dietary supplements in the prevention and treatment of disease in older adults. Kapitel: Care for stroke patients with eating difficulties. Co-author Dr. Phil. Eva Carlsson, Manager of development and research tutor, nurse, Örebro County health Authority and the Institute for health science and medicine, Örebro university. Published 2015.
Other published articles
(Articles are in Swedish, the following is a translation of the articles’ titles into English)
- Flynn C. M. Ph.D. Post-market evalutation, in the United Kingdom and Sweden, of the IQoro programme for remediation of dysphagia, hiatus hernia and reflux, sleep apnoea and snoring. May 2018
- Hägg M. A new, cost-effective and simple treatment of swallowing difficulties. Svensk ÖNH-Tidskrift Volym 16, Nr 1-2, 2009
Hägg M. En ny kostnadseffektiv och enkel behandling av sväljsvårigheter. Svensk ÖNH-Tidskrift Volym 16, Nr 1-2, 2009
- Hägg M. Swallowing difficulties amongst patients with whiplash injuries – an area of ignorance. Dysfaginytt, Årg 18, Nr 3, 2009
Hägg M. Sväljsvårigheter hos Whiplashskadade – stor okunskap råder. Dysfaginytt, Årg 18, Nr 3, 2009
- Hägg M. Dentists can be an important resource against swallowing problems, NFH Bulletinen Nr 2, 2008Hägg M. Tandläkare kan vara en resurs vid sväljningsproblem, NFH Bulletinen Nr 2, 2008
- Hägg M. Dentists can help patients with swallowing handicaps. Tandläkartidningen Årg 100, Nr 11, 2008Hägg M. Tandläkare kan hjälpa sväljningshandikappade.Tandläkartidningen Årg 100, Nr 11, 2008
- Hägg M. The brain reorganised via the mouth, to help swallowing handicapped patients. Sjukhus-tandläkartidningen, Årg 33, Nr 2, 2008Hägg M. Via munnen reorganiseras hjärnan och hjälper sväljningshandikappade. Sjukhus-tandläkartidningen, Årg 33, Nr 2, 2008
- Hägg M, Tibbling Grahn L. Downs syndrome. Treatment with emphasis on drooling, swallowing, speech and bite function. Dysfaginytt, 2003Hägg M, Tibbling Grahn L. Downs syndrom. Behandling med tonvikt på dregling, sväljning, tal och bettfunktion. Dysfaginytt, 2003
- Hägg M. Case Studies – Stroke och LKG defects. Tandläkartidningen, 2000Hägg M. Case Studies – Stroke och LKG-defekter. Tandläkartidningen, 2000
- Hägg M. Stroke-Dysphagia. European Study Group for Dysphagia and Globus, October Page 89, 1998Hägg M. Stroke-Dysphagia. Eurpean Study Group for Dysphagia and Globus, October Page 89, 1998
- Hägg M. Dysphagia. Sjukhustandläkartidningen, 1998Hägg M. Dysfagi. Sjukhustandläkartidningen, 1998